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stem专业香港各大学排名 研究生申请:最火的STEM专业商科类有哪些

今天,东南网小编为大家带来了stem专业香港各大学排名 研究生申请:最火的STEM专业商科类有哪些,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!



1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2. California Institute of Technology

3. Harvey Mudd College

4. United States Naval Academy

5. Rice University

6. Johns Hopkins University

7. United States Air Force Academy

8. Carnegie Mellon University

9. United States Coast Guard Academy

10. United States Merchant Marine Academy

11. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

12. Lehigh University

13. Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

14. University of Rochester

15. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

16. Case Western Reserve University

17. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

18. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

19. Colorado School of Mines

20. Clarkson University

21. Stevens Institute of Technology

22. Stony Brook University

23. Illinois Institute of Technology

24. Missouri University of Science and Technology

25. Michigan Technological University














圣路易斯华盛顿大学,MS in Finance- Quantitative Finance track,项目时长17个月,39学分。The MSFQ track holds a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) designation.

里海大学,MS ANALYTICAL FINANCE,项目暑期开学,要求完成30学分的课程。Analytical Finance contains an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes STEM fields which qualifies the program as a STEM designated degree.

佩伯代因大学,Master of Science in Applied Finance,项目时长12个月。MS in Applied Finance students with an F-1 visa may be authorized for 29 months of employment in the US after graduation, designated as Optional Practical Training (OPT).

康涅狄格大学,Master of Science in Financial Risk Management,项目时长15个月,如果继续学习风险管理的定量方法分支的话,会延长到19个月。The MSFRM Program is STEM Designated.

福特汉姆大学,Master of Science in Global Finance,项目时长1年,如果参加实习,可以延长至1.5年。The Gabelli School MSGF program is STEM-approved, offering international students the ability to work for a longer period without immediate need of sponsorship.

罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区,Master of Financial Analysis ,是一个33学分的项目。The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) allows graduate students with F-1 visa status, and who have been pursuing a degree for more than nine months, to work to obtain practical training in their field. This is called Optional Practical Training (OPT). The USCIS allows graduates of certain programs to have an additional 17 months of OPT beyond the normal 12 months. These programs are called STEM programs and our program is one of them.


华盛顿圣路易斯大学,Master of Science in Customer Analytics,项目时长3学期,39学分。STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) designation.

罗切斯特大学,Master`s in Marketing Analytics,项目时长11个月,如果选择实习的话,可以延长至17个月。This is a STEM designated program.


1. University of Rochester: MS in Business Analytics 罗彻斯特大学 商业分析硕士

2. University of California- San Diego: MS in Business Analytics 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 商业分析硕士

3. University of California -Davis: MS in Business Analytics 加州大学戴维斯分校 商业分析硕士

4. University of Southern California: MS in Business Analytics 南加州大学 商业分析硕士

5. New York University: MS in Business Analytics 纽约大学 商业分析硕士

6. University of Texas Austin: MS in Business Analytics 德州大学奥斯汀分校 商业分析硕士

7. Case Western Reserve University: MSM-Business Analytics 凯斯西储大学 商业数据分析

注:此商业数据分析硕士项目仅列出在商学院下且明确写明为stem 的项目,其他商学院开设此硕士项目的学校如下:MIT, GIT, RPI, UMiami. 非商学院开设此项目的学校如Columbia, Cornell, CMU等。


华盛顿圣路易大学,Master of Science in Supply Chain Management,项目时长3学期。This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) designated program brings together industry collaboration and faculty renowned for their work in risk management and supply chain research to create one of the most sought-after supply chain management degrees in the nation.

密歇根大学安娜堡分校,Master of Supply Chain Management,项目时长1年。STEM Certified - International students enjoy 29 months work authorization in U.S.

佐治亚理工学院,Master of Science in Supply Chain Engineering,项目时长1年,如果想参加暑期实习,可延长至16个月。As a STEM-designated program, international students who complete the degree are eligible for the extended Optional Practical Training (OPT) F-1 visa extension which allows a total of 29 months of pre- and post-completion training.

凯斯西储大学,Master of Science in Management-Operations Research and Supply Chain Management,是一个3学期的项目。The MSM-OR/SCM program qualifies as a STEM degree.

伦斯勒理工学院,M.S. in Supply Chain Management,学制不到1年。The MSM-OR/SCM program qualifies as a STEM degree (science, technology, engineering or math).

佛罗里达大学,Master of Science Information Systems & Operations Management。

俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校,Master of Business Logistics Engineering,项目要求完成41学分。The Master of Business Logistics Engineering program has qualified as a STEM optional practical training (OPT) degree.

伍斯特理工学院,Master of Science in Operations Analytics and Management。The MSOAM is a comprehensive 36-credit-hour program that qualifies as a STEM OPT degree (science, technology, engineering, or math)

信息系统管理 Information Management

1. University of Washington- Seattle: MS in Information Systems 华盛顿大学西雅图分校 信息系统硕士

备注:金融工程、统计几乎全部都属于STEM项目 。

以上就是stem专业香港各大学排名 研究生申请:最火的STEM专业商科类有哪些相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅东南网。


