今天,东南网小编为大家带来了cent大学排名多少 我想去澳洲读工科硕士,能给推荐几所好大学吗?,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!
York’s 53,000 students receive the education they need to create big ideas that make an impact on the world. Ranked #441-450 in the QS World University Rankings, York University students receive meaningful and sometimes unexpected careers as a result from cross-discipline programming, innovative course design and diverse experiential learning opportunities. York students and graduates push limits, achieve goals and find solutions to the world’s most pressing social challenges, empowered by a strong community that opens minds. York U is an internationally recognized research university – our 11 faculties and 24 research centers have partnerships with 200 leading universities U's fully bilingual Glendon campus is home to Southern Ontario's Center for Excellence for French Language and Bilingual Postsecondary Education. Its 2,700 students study at least two languages and almost 30% of the campus population studies three or more.
York University is known for championing new ways of thinking that drives teaching and research excellence. Our 53,000 students receive the education they need to create big ideas that make an impact on the world. Meaningful and sometimes unexpected careers result from cross-discipline programming, innovative course design and diverse experiential learning opportunities. York students and graduates push limits, achieve goals and find solutions to the world’s most pressing social challenges, empowered by a strong community that opens minds. York U is an internationally recognized research university – our 11 faculties and 24 research centres have partnerships with 200+ leading universities U's fully bilingual Glendon campus is home to Southern Ontario's Centre for Excellence for French Language and Bilingual Postsecondary Education. Its 2,700 students study at least two languages and almost 30% of the campus population studies three or more.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is dedicated to enhancing the academic and professional experiences of our graduate students. We are pledged to enhancing York University is recognized strengths in graduate education in our many existing disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs and, informed by the objectives set out in the UAP, we are committed to expanding graduate programming in the pure, applied and health sciences so as to ensure that we are recognized as one of Canada’s premier comprehensive institutions. We encourage internationalization and research intensification, uphold York’s reputation for social justice and community engagement, and foster innovative graduate programming across all areas of teaching and research.
The University of Manitoba is western Canada's first university. Founded 140 years ago, and located in the heart of the country, we are the region’s largest and only research intensive university offering over 100 degrees, diplomas, and certificates – more than 60 at the undergraduate level including professional disciplines such as medicine, law, and energetic university community is comprised of close to 30,000 students, 8,700 faculty and staff, and 190,000 alumni. Nearly 13 per cent of our current students are international, representing close to 104 award-winning faculty and students conduct research in fields as diverse as infectious diseases, Canadian history, materials science, civil infrastructure, population and community health, sustainable agriculture and northern research, to name just a few. More than ever before, our researchers are collaborating beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, sharing their expertise, experience and passion for University of Manitoba is a coeducational, nondenominational, government-supported institution. It is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
As a University of Manitoba student you will be challenged to grow, inspired to create and dared to excel. Here, you will gain the knowledge and skills to equip yourself for success in any field you will become part of a culturally rich and diverse community where you have the opportunity to meet faculty and students from around the world, explore unique perspectives and take on new can get involved in a broad range of leadership and volunteer programs that will enhance your education and give you the opportunity to develop new skills. Take part in one of over 100 service-learning, internship, co-op and exchange programs. Or join a student group to connect with like-minded individuals and explore your interests. Take a break from studying and participate in a fitness class, join an intramural league or attend a Bison sports you arrive at the University of Manitoba, the International Centre has programs and services available to help international students succeed academically in a Canadian university environment, adapt to and experience Canadian culture, share their international perspectives, make new friends, and ensure their experience is enjoyable, safe, and successful.
At the University of Manitoba, our strength comes from our place and our people. Manitoba is cold; it’s flat, it has a challenging climate. But this environment challenges us to adapt, innovate and invent. Join the graduate students who come here from every corner of the world. They are drawn to this place because it offers something that is rare and invaluable: the opportunity to do transformational are a member of the U15 and ranked one of the top 50 research intensive universities in Canada. We offer more than 100 programschoose from 47 doctoral, 90 master’s and one diploma program. Every year our researchers secure more than $160 million in external funding.
Experience a university that is:
Home to 29 Canada Research Chair positions and a Canada Excellence Research or partner to 40 research centres, institutes and shared facilities that believe in collaborative research and scholarshipA leader in fostering research partnerships with the private sector. The university has garnered eight NSERC Synergy Awards for Innovation recognizing outstanding university-industry collaborations. And our recently launched Transformational Partnerships initiative provides incentive for companies by providing innovation at no cost until they turn a profit.
大学英语阅读 在线等!!!!!!!!!!!
Monash University (莫那什大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,职业型和远距离学习,并重视研究
(Academic,Vocational and Distance Education with Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):
现有院士(Research Fellowship):17
所属联盟:Group of Eight
Monash大学是建校于1958年,是澳洲第十所国立大学。Monash是澳洲最大的大学,在全澳州共有六个校区,另外在南非,马来西亚,伦敦亦有设有分校。Monash在生源争夺及公司合作方面的表现非常接近墨尔本大学。它的针对墨尔本大学作了不同的教学定位,很多人觉得Monash的教学没有墨尔本大学这么沉闷。Monash杰出毕业生有:反对党领袖:Simon Crean ;澳洲财长:Peter Costello ;澳航主席:Margaret Jackson ;Macromedia 董事长:Alan Ramadan 等等。
University of New South Wales (新南威尔士大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,并重视研究
(Academic and Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):38
所属联盟:Group of Eight,Universitas 21
UNSW作为一间技工学校建校于五十多年前,澳洲第八所国立大学,发展至今,UNSW已是澳洲其中一间重量级大学,规模大,课程设置多,并非常难入读。UNSW是第一所大学作让学生作教学评估的学校,并且是在澳洲的coop programs处于领导地位。招工者熟知并喜欢UNSW的文凭,但大部份UNSW课程是接近学术性的。UNSW成功地与悉尼大学在生源,研究方面进行竞争。UNSW杰出毕业生有:前UNSW校长:John Niland;纽省省长:Bob Carr;著名女训马师:Gai Waterhouse;前澳洲总理顾问:Bob Mansfield;新英格兰大学正校长:Pat O'shane;澳洲Cricket国家队队员:Mark Taylor,等。
Australian National University (澳洲国立大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,研究重量级
(Academic and Strong Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):73
所属联盟:Group of Eight,APRU
ANU作为研究所,在1946年建校,是澳洲第七所国立大学,闻名遐迩的John Curtin School出了三位诺贝尔奖得主。基本所有澳洲诺贝尔奖得主和ANU都有直接或间接的联系。ANU是世界上几所与剑桥,牛津大学签有学生交换计划的大学之一。学校的进几年才开始重视本科教育,但重点任放在研究科目与研究生教学。ANU杰出毕业生有:前伊拉克武器核查团团长:Richard Butler,96年诺贝尔奖得主Rolf Zinkemagel,美国驻以色列大使:Martin Indyck,联邦法庭法官:Tony Whiltnam等等。
University of Western Australia (西澳大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,并重视研究
(Academic and Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):26
所属联盟:Group of Eight
西澳大学有着被誉为澳洲最漂亮的校园,建立1911,为澳洲第六所国立大学,在过去进一个世纪里,西澳大学在西澳的领导地位可以说根本没受到他校的挑战。西澳大学在研究一直有着比较好的表现。西澳大学的著名毕业生有:前澳洲总理Robert Hawke;前反对党领袖,Kim Beazley,现西澳州长Geoff Gallop,等等。
University of Queensland (昆士兰大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,并重视研究
(Academic and Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):☆☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):35
所属联盟:Group of Eight,Universitas 21
澳洲第五所国立大学,位于发展很快的昆士兰州。UQ有着很强的研究实力,UQ是澳洲每年培育最多博士生的大学之一。UQ是最多昆士兰州学生的第一选择,紧追UQ是QUT,昆士兰州另外一所实力强劲的名校。UQ的毕业生有非常好的被聘和继续深造的纪录。昆士兰大学的著名毕业生有:奥斯卡演员:Geoffrey Ruch;96 诺贝尔奖得主:Peter Doherty;前澳洲总督,Bill Hayden;现昆士兰州省长,Peter Beattie,等等。
University of Adelaide (阿得雷德大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,并重视研究
(Academic and Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome):☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):25
所属联盟:Group of Eight
澳洲历史第三悠久的大学,一所师生比例很好的大学,出过一位诺贝奖教授,和两位诺贝尔奖毕业生(其中一位发现了盘尼西林),很大部分阿得雷德大学的本科毕业生学生会选择继续深造。阿得雷德大学的著名毕业生有:诺贝尔奖得主 :Howard Florey (发现了盘尼西林);前新加坡总理吴作栋;宇航员Andy Thomas;著名女议员Natasha Stott Despoja,等等。
University of Melbourne (墨尔本大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,并重视研究
(Academic and Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome)☆☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):41
所属联盟:Group of Eight,Universitas 21
澳洲历史第二悠久的大学,有着雄厚的经济及人才资源,和极高的声誉,非常难入读。墨尔本大学被优秀大学指南在2001评为澳洲综合实力最强的大学。墨大曾被批评保留了太多名额来招收上流社会的子弟(私校学生),而忽略了社会的弱势社群。墨尔本优秀毕业生有:多位上流政要(总理,总督,州长,部长),两位诺贝尔奖得主Frank Burnet ,John Eccles(均为医学领域),麦考理大学校长Di Yerbury,等等等等。
University of Sydney (悉尼大学)
学校类型(Institustion Type):学术型,职业型,研究重量级
(Academic and Vocational, Strong Research Emphasis)
研究数量(Research Quantum):☆☆☆☆☆
入学难度(Student Demand):☆☆☆☆☆
多元化校园(Cultural Diversity):☆☆☆☆
毕业生出路(Total Graduate Outcome)☆☆☆☆☆
现有院士(Research Fellowship):50
所属联盟:Group of Eight,APRU
南半球第一所用英文授课的大学,因此有南半球牛津的别称。本科学生人数为澳洲最多的大学之一,而76%的本科学生是来源于全国高考学生,(此比列八大最高,Monash 50%,UNSW 61%,ANU 61%,UWA61%,QU 54%,UOA 70%,UMElB 58%) 因此可以说收生渠道最规范,而且招收到的全国优秀高中毕业生最多。和其他的传统名校一样,悉尼大学有很高的国际研究声誉,同时致力于改善本科教学质量。悉尼大学提供的课程为澳洲之最,而其研究生和博士生的就读人数亦为澳洲之最。学校计划逐步地将教学重心转到搞研究上,悉尼大学优秀毕业生有:大概是澳洲高校数目最多的多位澳洲上流政要,两位诺贝尔奖得主,John Cornforth(化学),John Harsanyi(与John Nash同获1994经济奖),新南威尔士大学正校长:余美森,等等等等。
--悉尼大学至今已培育出了99位Rhodes学者,为澳洲高校之最,在2000年止的过去40年,NSW省55位获奖者45位来自悉尼大学,而2001-2003的NSW Rhodes Scholarship名额均由悉尼大学的学生夺得。在NSW这个教育强省,这样强劲持续的表现是十分难能可贵的。
--悉尼大学在多届“ World Debating Championships"(世界大学生辩论大赛)上,表现出众,并多次夺冠,现时悉尼大学在历届累计分数,及历届进入决赛队数数目上,仍然领先于牛津大学,为世界第一。
Research Quantum:
☆☆☆☆☆ places the institution among the top 20 percent of research institutions.
☆☆☆☆ puts it in the second 20 per cent; and so on.
Student Demand:
☆☆☆☆☆ means that the level of demand for entry to this institution is high enough to put it in the top 20 percent.
Cultural Diversity:
☆☆☆☆☆ means the proportion of students with a Non-English speaking background is high enough to put this campus among the top 20 per cent.
Total Graduate Outcome:
☆☆☆☆☆ means the proportion of graduates getting a job or enrolling in further study is high enough to put this institution in the top 20 percent.
Group of Eight:
Universitas 21:
Rhodes Scholarships:由1904起,牛津大学为网罗世界最优秀学生而设的奖学金,因为世界大战,此奖学金的颁发中止了六年,到现在为止,已经经历了93届。澳洲传统上只有6个名额,每州一个,在1978年,1988年,1991年牛津大学在澳洲另增设了多一个名额,使现在澳洲每年名额为9个,六个州名额,加三个额外名额,但每年的此奖学金的竞争仍异常激烈。毕竟此奖学金代表的是一种至高无上的荣誉,多位诺尔奖得主(包括Howard Florey ,John Cornforth)都是Rhodes学者,另外前美国总统克林顿也是一位Rhodes学者。
以上就是cent大学排名多少 我想去澳洲读工科硕士,能给推荐几所好大学吗?相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅东南网。