专业名 | 省份 | 年份/批次 | 计划人数 | 选科 | 科目类型 |
美容美体艺术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 1 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
护理(社区护理) | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 1 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学影像技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 1 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
保险实务 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
预防医学 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学生物技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(老年护理) | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(口腔护理) | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
智能医疗装备技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
医学检验技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
中药学 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
药物制剂技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(涉外护理) | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
助产 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
药学 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 5 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
口腔医学技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 6 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 10 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学美容技术 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 10 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
临床医学 | 河北 | 2022/专科批 | 13 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(社区护理)(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 1 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
预防医学(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学生物技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(老年护理)(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
保险实务 | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
护理(口腔护理)(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 2 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
医学影像技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;女生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(涉外护理)(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
智能医疗装备技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 3 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
药物制剂技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选不限 | 物理类 |
医学检验技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
中药学(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
药学(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
助产(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 4 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
针灸推拿(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 5 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
口腔医学技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 6 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
康复治疗技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 6 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
临床医学(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 8 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
口腔医学(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 10 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
医学美容技术(不招色觉异常(含色盲、色弱)考生;男生慎报) | 河北 | 2021/专科批 | 10 | 首选物理,再选化学/生物(2选1) | 物理类 |
护理(涉外护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(老年护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(口腔护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(社区护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
保险(医疗保险实务) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
预防医学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学生物技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
助产 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学影像技术(建议男生,女生慎报) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
医疗设备应用技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
药物制剂技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学美容技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
药学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学检验技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
中药学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 6 | - | 理科 |
临床医学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 14 | - | 理科 |
护理(老年护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(口腔护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(社区护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
保险(医疗保险实务) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(涉外护理) | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
助产 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 文科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 3 | - | 文科 |
医学美容技术 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2020/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
护理(涉外护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(老年护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(口腔护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(社区护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
医疗设备应用技术 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
预防医学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学生物技术 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
助产(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
医学美容技术(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
药品生产技术(药物制剂) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
药学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学检验技术 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
中药学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学影像技术(男生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 5 | - | 理科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 6 | - | 理科 |
临床医学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 14 | - | 理科 |
护理(口腔护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(社区护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
卫生信息管理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(涉外护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
护理(老年护理)(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
助产(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 3 | - | 文科 |
医学美容技术(女生) | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2019/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
保险(医疗实务) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(社区) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(老年) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(口腔) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
护理(涉外) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
医疗设备应用技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 理科 |
医学生物技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
助产 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 理科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 3 | - | 理科 |
医学美容技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
药品生产技术(药物制剂) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
药学 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学检验技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
中药学 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 理科 |
医学影像技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 5 | - | 理科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 6 | - | 理科 |
临床医学 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 16 | - | 理科 |
保险(医疗实务) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(社区) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(口腔) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
口腔医学 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 1 | - | 文科 |
护理(老年) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
护理(涉外) | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
助产 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
医学营养 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
药品经营与管理 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 2 | - | 文科 |
康复治疗技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 3 | - | 文科 |
医学美容技术 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
针灸推拿 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
护理 | 河北 | 2018/专科批 | 4 | - | 文科 |
Brief introduction of Tianjin Medical College
Tianjin Medical College, formerly known as Beiyang Women's Medical School, is the first public nursing school in China. With a history of more than one hundred years of health vocational education, the college is the only health vocational college in Tianjin. Now, it is one of the 100 National Model Higher Vocational Colleges, one of the top 50 colleges in National Teaching Management, the top 50 colleges in national integration of production and education,National-level Huang Yanpei Excellent School for Vocational Education and National Outstanding Contribution Unit for Cultivating Skilled Talents. At the end of 2019, it was rated as a high-level construction college of "High-level Vocational Schools and Specialty Construction Plan with Chinese Characteristics", making it the only health vocational college among colleges of the Plan. Five winners of the prestigious Florence Nightingale Medal from Tianjin are all outstanding alumni of the college.
Stay firm in the original aspirations to cultivate talents for medical and health undertakings.After more than a century of construction, the college has cultivated a large number of medical and health professionals. Teachers and students of the college once went to the field to support the front lines in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. A large number of role models from the college emerged during the critical period of the fight against SARS, earthquake relief, and COVID-19 prevention and treatment. At present, there are 10 teaching and auxiliary institutions in the college, including the School of Medical Nursing, the School of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, the School of Medical Technology, the School of Health Management, the School of Marxism, the School of Continuing Education, the School of International Education, the Department of Physical Education and Public Courses, the Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Practice Training Center. The college has 2 scientific research institutions of Health Vocational Education Development Research Center and Tianjin Health Technology Institute, 5 affiliated hospitals, and more than 170 off-campus internship bases. 26 specialties, such as nursing, pharmacy, clinical medicine, stomatology, rehabilitation technology, and so on, enroll students from all over the country. The college has built two high-level professional groups of "double-high" colleges and universities in nursing and pharmacy, and obtained 8 key majors with national support and 5 key majors with municipal support. With an enrollment of more than 8,000 students, the employment rate and the counterpart employment rate have also been above 90%.
Forge ahead with hard work and make remarkable achievements in education and teaching. The school has produced remarkable teaching achievements.At present, the college has won 5-second prizes in the National Teaching Achievement Award and 2 grand prizes and 10 first prizes in the Municipal Teaching Achievement Award.The college has obtained 9 first prizes in teaching ability competitions of the National Vocational College Skills Competition, ranking the top among 1400 vocational colleges and universities in China.The school is rich in teaching resources.It has presided over the construction of 2 national professional teaching resource libraries for nursing and pharmaceutical preparation technology in high vocational colleges, built 9 national quality resource sharing courses, 9 national online excellent courses, 1 national ideological and political demonstration course, built 496 online courses, and put 58 online open courses online in MOOC College of Intelligent Vocational Education, China University MOOC and MOOC of Human health, covering all majors with more than 100,000 high-quality resources of hygiene and health series.The college has a strong faculty,with 2 vocational education innovation teams at the national level, 1 national Huang Danian teaching team, 6 teaching teams at the municipal level (including 2 vocational education innovation teams), 2 specialists receiving special subsidies from the State Council, 1 nationally renowned teacher, 1 candidate from the first level of Tianjin "131 Talent Project", 4 winners of Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award in Tianjin, 4 excellent teachers in Tianjin, 1 model worker in Tianjin and 1 "May Day" labor medal laureate in Tianjin.
Promoting the three-whole education and improving the quality of talent cultivation.The school has always taken improving the quality of student training as the lifeline of development, and comprehensively promoted the comprehensive reform of whole-person, whole-range and whole-process nurturing, forming a new pattern of " three-whole education" with unique characteristics of the hygiene profession. The school features medical humanities education, focuses on three dimensions of education content, education subject and education space, and establishes the education mode of "four classrooms integration" of school, workplace, society and network, and "five simultaneous education" of moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education and labor education, which is corresponding to the medical and health industry.The college insists on common construction and sharing, builds a community of school-institute-enterprise collaborative education, establishes the Tianjin Health Vocational Education Group, integrates the government, industry, hospitals, schools, research institutes and other high-quality resources, integrates the professional development of the college, talent training, faculty and base construction into the integrated management of the industry, forms the educational system and mechanism of "common research, common construction, common management, common sharing and win-win", educates and guides students to firmly establish the professional ideal and professional ethics of " working at the post, strengthening skills, serving the public and contributing to society".The nurturing quality of the college keeps improving, and students have won over ten first prizes in National Vocational Student Skills Competitions, and have won first prizes in national innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and international invention and design competitions many times, and the outstanding deeds of many students have been widely reported by CCTV and other media.
The college focuses on health and serves the development of industry and society.The school insists on the orientation of cultivating talents for both the medical and healthcare business and health industry and has achieved remarkable achievements and has a high social reputation. At present, the school has become the first batch of cultivation units of national model vocational education group,the deputy director unit of the National Health Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee,one of the first pilot schools of national emergency education,the National Nurse Cultivation and Training Base for skill-oriented talents,the First national Training Base for the Occupational Skill Test and Examiners of Physician Qualification, and the National Occupational Skill Testing Base for Medical Practitioners,the head unit of the Higher Vocational College of the Medical Education Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Chairman unit of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Health Professions Education Cooperative Development Alliance, the Tianjin Health Vocational Education Center, the Tianjin General Medical Education and Training Center, the Tianjin Continuing Medical Education and Training Center, the Tianjin Primary Comprehensive Medical Quality Control Center, the Tianjin Family Physicians Team Capacity Quality Control Center, the team leader of Tianjin Post-Graduation Medical Education Quality Control Expert Group and General Practice Group.In terms of international exchange, the college has actively promoted the "The Belt and Road" education initiative to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents urgently needed for the economic and social development of partner countries. The college has signed cooperation agreements with 15 countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Canada, Thailand and Mali, and the Luban Workshop project in Mali has been licensed and operated as the first batch of Luban Workshop projects in China.
Relying on the principle of "Innovation in inheritance and development in innovation", Tianjin Medical College will thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, fully carry on the party's educational policy, adhere to the socialist school-running system, stress moral education as the fundamental task of the school, inherit its one-hundred-year historical culture, and provide health vocational education with which the people are satisfied, thereby cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic labor education. It will strive to become a pioneer college in China's higher vocational education, a world-class vocational college with characteristics of medical and health vocational education, and a high-level college with one-hundred-year cultural inheritance and innovation, thus creating the glory of medical professionals in the new era.